Friday, January 11, 2008

what a night

spent most of my day helping my friend putting his new work station together, It is a very capable machine, dual quad core Intel Xeon, the most amazing thing is how much render time it has cut down. we did a reder test which took a little over 5 mins to do on the new machine while it took 1 hours and 6 mins to finish on his old computer. . so it is roughly 11x faster. it was a pain to get it up and running, but it turned out the power supply was dead. regardless, we had a call from an Engineering company working on some satellite project near down town Phx, and they re looking for someone, so hopfully soemthign will turn out, My friend suppose to go meet them next week. well now that the work station is avalible, at least we know that we re capable of pumping out bigger job. commercial work = $$$$ , money is what i want, but not need to live. ..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...