Monday, January 29, 2007

Useful notes

-life isnt about being single or not, its about be happy with you, and your life

-Once your heart has been broken, it takes a long time to recover. No one ever seems to measure up to the person you let hurt you. That is the time that you need to work on yourself and grow as a person but not try to replace the person who left you. That never seems to work.

Once you have moved on and have stopped thinking about the last one and have built up a healthy happy lifestyle, that is usually when someone new comes into your life. If you force it, it won't happen.

With that said, I think it depends upon where your heart is at as to whether it is better to be with someone than to be single. I'd rather be alone than be in a bad relationship or grieving for a failed relationship. I'd rather be growing and improving as a person first. Emotionally healthy people are naturally attracted to each other and their relationships tend to last.

-It's better to be alone then with the wrong person. WAY too many people are with someone they don't even really like just to not be alone.
I'd rather be single and wait for the right one, then settle for someone who I wouldn't be happy with just because I don't want to be alone. I've been there done that....
Its way better to be single than settle for someone just to have someone. But if you are with a person who is truly compatible with you, that's better than being single.
We are human and make mistakes. We have past relationships so that future ones can be better. The thing to remember is that the past is past and there isnt anything we can do about it but learn from it.

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