Friday, January 23, 2009

Slacking again.

Hope on Crystals neck, used the wrong was running too slow and it took alot longer then it suppose to, damn.
this one was fun. she loved it. still didn't smooth all the color though
this one is done too, i noticed that i tend to go dark too fast, must remember not to do that.
this one is finally done too, started on it like 3 months ago, i got a 50 bucks tip . yay.
this one , we stared like 2 months ago, had to redo it again. but it is looking alot stronger and i feel alot more confident. cheers!
this one i like to get done soon, been working on her for quite a bit more. now that i ve gotten better with a few new techniques.
this one is finally done as well , started back in August. whew i think it looks great especially from about 6 feet away, very noticable.
this one took a bit of work, seemed like her skin don't take ink as easily. i really hate doing fonts stuff but this one turned out fairly good, lucky me.
Greg's leg, this one turned out a bit darker ..again. i should started painting with skin tone as my default back ground colors from now on.
revisiting old drawign again. this time this one looks wayy better for sure. this one was last worked on in 07.
Fuck the police, a tattoo idea , three puck roker beating up a police officer. should be intersesting. she even gave me money too. yaya,
this one i started back in 07 in photoshop, just thought i try to finish it, and it is close to being done, i want to keep it faily dark.

in other news. Nothing exciting really , just trying to finish a crap load of drawings and staying busy with tatttooing as much as possible. Ordered me some tattooing supplies yaya!!! I needed it really bad. should help quite a bit. this week i made an extra 300 bucks . now if i can do that evey week i ll be happy.


Extinctosaurus said...

Aw the police officer one, so sad. The ones here are pretty chill (I don't know if it's because we are mil though)

I like the last painting. And the elephant fish tattoo looks really nice.

Anonymous said...

Ithought that one was really cool also. Charles told me you called the other day, sorry I missed you. I'd call you back, but I don't have your email so just call me again. If I'm not at home just leave it on the answering machine so I can call you back and we can hang out sometime soon.
