Monday, December 24, 2007

youger years

I used to had the Hots for her, I think her name was Allison Sher...something. She had some issue though, ..I tried to be there for her, i think she really appreciate it, we use to hang out every night....good memories, ...I think she probably thought i was a weirdo because i never try to initiate any sexual thingy with her. lol, she would try to throw hints here and there . hehe, actually all the time..but i always played dumb....chit, thats why we were never together ...oh well, it was probably for the best, in the end she turned into this...will i don't want to say it.. I perfer to remember good memories, still remember the first time we meet and the last..If I ever come across her someday, i would love to at least say hi and hear all bout her life stories. Its nice to have someone's images and memories burned into your mind...its hard to explain, but know what i meant, she may be gone but the memories will never leave me.
It was funny when i told my friends that she left me ...(well, ..we were never together officially, but i did cared alot abouther at one point) because i didnt' want to sleep with her. ...they would laugh because usually its the girls that says that. ... .by the time i told her how i felt about her, it was too late....well, it s never too late for love...but at that time it was best that we just pick up and go our own seperate way... love...always end in tragic.. ..
its funny to look at old photo of myself, the one on the left was me at 19, it was taken at Waimea High schoool graduation in Kauai. while visiting my buddy Ryan in 1997. . ahh, i miss those younger days. ..and the right one is me now 10 years later, ...thanksfully it doesn't look like i age much.
woo hoo for Asian gene.

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