Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Lost, Confused, Broken, Forgotten.

WooHOo! to that.another idea
more mock up of my business card.

The title actually is taken from one of my friend's screen name on my space. We went to elementary school together, from 5-7 grade. I'm so happy that most of my friends back then still remembers me I still keep in touch with quite a few, it's nice to be remembered.

Images of her still hunts me in my dreams.
When i feel sad, I Think about Happy memories.
Then I continue to draw.
Drawing helps to clear my mind.

bahhh, i can't write , this sucks. ..

Been drawing too much this week...i can't believe i m saying that but it'was true, didnt' seem like i accomplished much though. :(

My art skills has improved much more then I can imagine in the past year. I am almost thank full for what happened. I may have lost someone very special to me but the skills and knowledges i'd gain are much greater then my lost.

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