Sunday, September 7, 2008

REturn of the Snake.

I was talking with Alyse about it the other night and its back...How weird.

this moring about 10 mins into my sleep (around 8 in the moring) in my dream i was back home in Tucson in the back yard watching my mother working on her garden. we have a pretty good size back yard and every chance she has my mother would pretty much turn it green. It was pretty amazing to set back there when everything is fully grown. my mother have all this exotic asian vegetation and herbs. but that was years ago and now she's living with her husband, so the back yard is pretty much empty again. anyways as i was standing there, my mother turned around and yelled at me "snake" confused , i was thinking to my self "snake?" here? wah? "
it was a small snake, looks to be a cobra of somekind.
it tries to strike me many time fortunately with my Ninja reflex i manage to dodge it all. then the dream faded into the scene. i was standing in our parking lot up front with my sister. she picked up something ..i think it was a garbage bag, and then i saw what looked to be another snake, same as the one trying to attack me earlier, but it was only the lower half of it. as i stood there trying to figured out where the rest of the body went. my little sister point to my foot , i looked down and i saw the bastard, i trying to reach for it, but somehow managed to clam up my leg into my pants with half of its body missing. seconds later i was bitten...before i can feel anything i was awake. ...
i wonder what it means, it is not like most snakes dreams i had though out my life. the mood, the setting , even the size and behavior of the snakes are totally different. my mom told me it means one thing while someone told me something else.

in the past, when i was in high school , we used to go out in the desert collecting Hohoba beans, I think they use it to make shampoo. out of four of us, i was the only one that come across snakes quite a few too. mainly Rattle snakes. none of it were threatening or anything, but i would alway managed to find them. one time as we walked home on this trail , the sun was almost down, i was the last person on the trail behide my mother and her husband was in front. I dont know what happened but they did't see a huge rattle snake moving along the trail right next to them. her husband walked right passed it, and then as my mother was about to walk up to it, i looked down and saw it ( i think it must be at leat 5' long) i grabed on her arm or shoulder ,,dont rememember and point it out to her. the snake didn't seemed very aggressive at all, it just went along its own business and that was that.
my mother was even surprise how i managed to came across soo many snakes.

we also came across many interesting wild life out there besides snakes, or maybe it was minly just me. we saw this animal that looks like deer of somekind. unfortunately they bolted before i can pet them
we came across this thing.. with black fur.before we can identify it, it dashed into a whole. being young and curious, I decided to yanked on its tail. heh, then i was like sweet! i m gona take it home. i yanked on it for a while but couldn't get a good grip. so i tooked off my t-shirt and wrapped it around my hand. as i continue pulling. seconds later there was this very horrible smells. LOl, then we realized what the creature was .. A Skunk...needless to say, i threw away my t shirt after that.
I found this mini owl ,i meant it was tiny, probably slightly smaller then a computer mouse. anyways it looked like it was injured because it was on the ground (to me birds usually are on trees or is flying, the only time they re actually on the ground is when they feed or when they re injured.) and it was oddly small so i assumed it was a baby owl. anyway, i cought it and took it home, thanking that i could nurse it into health and most likely let it go. i placed it in a card bard box, gave it some water and feed it warms, (those that was used for finishing) a few days later we decided to drop it off where we found it. i did some research and came to find out that it was actually a full gron Owl. and it was suppose to be that size. tiny. anyways, it was listed as endanger specie so i was glad i didn't see it die.
as a child i was alway curios about all this empty holes i found along the hill side. in my mind i imagine some wild beast living in it. but fortunately never came across any that exciting. it was usually empty, or everynow and then i would come across snakes. one time i found a pretty good size Tortous (turtle) in thie hole. being me i have to alway pull on it. anyways i managed to get it out and i took it to show my mother. she was so excited by my finding. heh, lets eat it!! only kidding. i don't remember what we wanted to do with it, but in the end i just let it go. it was rather cute i though, and it was slow at moving. the desert was full of life. one time i came across hundreads of dollars worth of Foodstamp, I wasn't sure if i could use it so i just threw it out.
years later i went back hoping to revisit some of the site. unfortunately every was damaged and gone due to housing ..damn human, i hate you all.

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