Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Thinking, thinking, thinking.

I just realized I have no more obligation in this town. Now that I am not linked to the shop any longer I am thinking that i may just leave. Going back to Tucson would be pretty good, a place to stay, Mother. But then again, i don't want to get too comfortable there and get no where with my life. ( oh god i m old!!) I still want to go out there and achived my goals.. actually i need to clearify what my goals really are. over the years it has been distorted. It would be a step back ward really if i moved back, ..i really have no roots here. i have many dear friends here but when i m gone i will always think of them. Moving to a new town would be so exciting, meeting new people, making new friends.

If only i can get this tattoo thing up and running and become known even a little bit. i would have no problems moving around. .. I m thinking that i may just ...moving does require quite a bit of i can ..robbign a bank...hahah. My little sister will be returing to Tucson to finish her RN degree next summer. ..I wish i could go live with her in SF . I suppose to go visit here at the end of the years for a few week. can't wait for that. i like the winter there. then i can go see Hana and Dan too. ..I must get out!!!

notes: take all unecceary things back home to Tucson, unless i really really need it then it has got to go.
things to keep.
- tattoo stuff
- sculpture supplies
-drawing stuff
everythign else gone!! and i do have more shits then i need that's for damn sure, only need enough stuff to fit in car for one load. ..maybe two. right now i have about 7. until tomorrow.

1 comment:

Extinctosaurus said...

Noooooooooo move to SF!!! In addition to your sister you can also visit me!!! ME!!!!!