Monday, February 26, 2007

Colors Perception test

a bigger render
I'm all rendered out tonight. A displacement map was added for the gravel.

Those are the same exact render, except the one on top have the back ground activated. To me the top image seems a bit more vibrate in colors, even though it is exactly the same as the buttom. damn it, and i wasted almost 2 hours trying to figure whats wrong with this program....This is why when i paint i do not paint with pure black or pure white back ground. If you paint the main elements first then paint the secondary element next, I usually have the tendency to want to go back and change colors of the main elements to match the background.....Well...damn,
from now on, im writing for the sake of getting writing.

let, I woked up at 9 am. Made a cup of tea and sat out in the patio and enjoy the morning sun shine for a bit. Thought about what i could of had for breakfest, jump on the computer and did this the entire day. Oh boy , i Need a second computer for sure. Hopefually this will pick up and i will save my earning for a dual quad core computer. that way instead of waiting 10 mins for a render, i only have to wait 2 mins. I want to get another monitor too, a 24" lcd would be nice. Well, If we are to be extremely busy that would be great, I can forget about everything else and just focous on working and saving, so that i may leave this place. I want to go to a land where everyone know my name, where every waves at me where ever i go. I was so used to that when i was living in Hawaii and in Thailand. I like living in a small town where everyone is friends. One time i had a flat tire while riding my bike home between town. as i stand there on the side of the road with the bike turned upside down and me trying to see where the holes are at. A stranger pull of the road and offers me a ride, he offered me a ride home. i was so greatful, I had no idea who he was, but it did made me very happy to know that there are still nice people out there. another time i was out hiking down this long and steep road somewhere in Waimea Canyon..and it was quite a ways to get to Waimea. Another truck stop by and offered me a ride too. it was so nice, now i feel like returning that favor to other needy strangers. but in this town you ll have to watch who you pick up to give rides to..most of the time you rather not, because bad things may happen...many times i wonder..what if that person really needed that ride? what if that person deserved my help...its living in this environment that turns me into this jerks, like everyone else....I m leaving, moving to a small town. it would be nice to be able to live in a small town and be able to hook up with big jobs from big cities. Just work at home and enjoy a quite life with a dozen cats and a few dogs, i like to have a pair of wolfs and a bunch of cats running around in my back yard. Maybe i ll get lucky and meet a nice girl again one day. I think i like to have four kids. 4 would be perfect, two girls and two boys. I have one girl's name pick out too..sigh...back to work

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