Saturday, February 3, 2007

Up and away.

wel, things are looking a bit brighter this week. My roomate just told me that there are two position open at his work and that his boss is interested in hiring me. Thank fully its a brainless job, all i have to do is stay awake and i can do what ever i want. I ll need to pick up a lap top so that i may work on side projects while at work. My friend also got our architecture rendering page up. so now its up to us to fill it with good quality works. Our 1st client told us that the 20 houses will be in sometime early this coming week. the 2 nd client still waiting for the blue print to complete while the third is waiting for use to show him more work. So far things are starting to pick up a bit. Now all we need to do is figure out the prices. i am almost settle in in the new place. This place is party central. today evening we ll have Business Bowling, and more drinking. Yahh, stay busy.

Chatree, Hang in there, I believe in YOU! Remember, The only person that allowes you to feel this way is you and no one else. ++++++

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