Sunday, August 26, 2007

At least I Try

I wonder if anyone actually visit this place. according to the counter it seems like I have a few visitors, I wonder if those are mainly me. oh well.

Dear journal:
Let's talk about Dan. heh, Like my little sister Dan got accepted into the Nursing program. did i mention that that's what i wanted to do back in my earlier years? heh. Actually Amie messaged me today. Haven't talked to her in ages. I think since last year. We suppose to go out for a drink but she disappeared for some reason. anyways, she really dig Asian guys, so ..umm. heh.

Strange, when girls are the least thing on my mind that's when they all show up. well, it's not like I'm trying to get with any one of them. it would be nice to have as many female friends as i do male. the other week I meet Ashley, she's a sweet girl. She works at office max printing place. she's the one that usually does my print work for me. she really likes my drawing and wanted me to design her a tattoo. She's going though tough time with her boy friend. I feel really bad for her because i know how shitty it can be. I wish i could cheer her up and help her though it. i know when that sort of stuff happens, one need as much emotional support as one can get from friends and family. That's it, I could, perhaps i will give her a call this week or pay her a visit at work.

My big plan is to move to LA with a few of my friends that way we all can stay connected. So far i have Josh and Christian there. They recently moved, about 4 months ago. actually Jay was thinking that after he finishes with school that we all should take off together, i think to Santa Monica, not sure what's going to happen, but seems like all the jobs are over there. I know for sure that i want to do tattoo for a while though. lol, i have many plans don't I?. actually to tell you the truth my original plan was to wait for my old gf to finish school and take her with me but that was when we were together. bahh, I guess nothing should be set in stone, just got to learn to adapt to the situation, for all i know i could be moving to Texas, Germany, Thailand or die.

One of the things i most regard in life is...being too shy about everything, I really like to follow this quote "better to find out, then not knowing at all, something along that line"
ie. I was interested in many girls but i was too shy to do or say anything as a result I wasted valueble times wondering , i guess my fear of rejection over shadow my courage. the truth is that I may or may not get rejected but i never know because i never try(actually i tried several times, let me reword that, i let too many opportunities passed by too many times ).. even if i did get turned down what. at least i know i tried and trying is what count most. Then i could move on instead of spending the rest of my life wondering what could have been. another good example: when i thought i was in love i should have said so, no matter if it had meant nothing to the other person, the most important thing is that i expressed it. This does not neceassary have to apply to just girls or love but to every thing we do in general. ....become a risk taker is what i should be:)

to put the theory to test, the other night I called one of my friend. we don't have any real connection, we hardly talk but did exchange numbers some months ago. Every time i talked to her i have this weird awkward feeling( not bad feeling) . lol probably because i find her attractive and we hung out only ones. I called and casually asked if she wanted to go out to the movie. she said that she has to finish something and is unable to go but suggest that we should definately hang out again. hehe, I didnt' feel weird out or anything. but i did felt like i had accomplished something and now I can move on. LOL, i feel like a little kid.

I like writing :) until tomorrow.

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