Saturday, March 31, 2007

Dieing to draw.

2143 01After slaving for the past week on the computer doing 3d stuff, i am dieing to get back to painting traditional or digital. Work night tonight, so i ll be doing just that. yeahh!
This is one of the house, i got 2 more houses to double check and change tiles on. so far, we have 5 houses set up and ready to be render out.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Back on the Horse

Other then lack of sleep for the past week, I am feeling pretty good. Things are slowly but surely going well. metaphorically speaking i was pushed off the horse several months ago. It wasn't fun ( still few broken ribs..:) i ll never fully recover, but i ll make it) .. I guess everyone falls off their horse every now and then and my wasn't unusual. What's that saying go? ... "what do you do when you get knock down?" get back up.

Does this horse come with seat belt??

I wish every one who visit my blog a happy Day. Cheers!!

M. Dinardi, I appreciate your uplifting comments, thank you, and you to Gary, We ll be back painting till the sun come up again as soon as i m done with this project.


2670 2C
heh, that reminds me, the other day while i was painting with oil by hand, I kept trying to find Ctrl+Z everytime i made mistakes. it was almost frustrating, becaue in my mind, i was thinking yaah, you can make mistake and undo real fast, so I was automatically doing all this simple mistakes on my painting thinking that it was no big deal. and then obviously you get the idea.

using lots of different programs really requied......a type of skills. ....can't think of a word for it but ummm...patients?? many time i would try to push short cut keys from maya in max or max in maya , or painter in photoshop, or mudox in maya or unfold 3d in max or window in mac. . yah you get the point. alot of time during late night i would keep pushing the same wrong damn key, over and over. heh, thats when i know i need to get to sleep.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

almost there

i GOT so far with this , i want to go back and finish it. I look so sad...
My super duper work station, once more job comes in, i am getting another new comp, a Quad core cpu and a 24" lcd. huarray!!
2670 3c

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

More Snakes

Last night i dreamed about a huge snake. it s weird because i used to dream about it every now and then though out my life and it finally came, usually it doen't really do anyting to me just kinda there in my dream to intimidat me. I'm not afraid of it or anything but usually im at a swap by my self while it is raining. walking around and then usually it ll pop out of water by the thousands. sometime i come across a huge one, (one big enough to eat me) it ll occationally try to kill me but in the end i alway get away. The dream I had last night was different though. I was ..with someone, we pulled to the side of a road and then went out for a walk into the jungle. then i spoted this Tan/pink colored snake on the tree, it was probably about 20 foot long (probably abou the size of my tarso in diameter. somehow we decided to go back to our car to get a traqulizer gun and took the snake. there were a bunch of stuff happening between there, but that's the bases of the dream.

The most interesting thing I notice though out my life is that every time i have a dream about it. it usually means that I will come in contact with a female, wait, let me rephase that, i usually come in contact with a its casual friends or possible love interest. its quite fasinating and yes i have been taking mental notes of this reoccuring events though out my life. several months ago i dreamed about it once, and at that time i did came acrossed a very nice girl. It was fun hanging out with her but things weren't clicking. I started talking to another female friend last week, perhaps it ll lead to something. :P either that or it can mean something very bad is going to happen. maybe i ll get stab in the heart.... again. JOy!!!!
I will now keep a log of it, now that i think about it. Chatree , you re so smart.

Let me know if anyone experienced similar...experience?
GEEZ!, unlike my drawings, My writing skills are actually getting worst by the days.

Still going

2043 02, time 3.5 hours.

2323 01B , completion time 3.5 hours.
2323 2C done, time 6 hours.
who ever made this house couldn't quite visualized it in 3D, see the hightlight spot, the roof are too close to the buttome windows and it is overlaping the wooden block on the bottom of the window.
yes, in responsse to the last paragraph, I can't wrirte either. ..Well, thats the best it ll get, its not done yet, but man we should charge more just for making me think harder. I found a neat new trick to find a apex. the trick is to extrude then cut between the line and then bring it to the highest point , then you exturde the adjacent side, the keything is that you can scale those. if you do , everything will go hay wired. This is all the energy i got for the rest of the night. If i am thinkiag correctly, i think we only have 4 more houses to model.
Who ever made this blue print couldn't decide what they wanted. I not a blue print peron but i can tell there's somethig messed up. if you can make sense of that picture then i ll buy you lunch.
I 'm a little preplexed as to how the roof arch should match, the front view show someting that doen't match the view.

Monday, March 26, 2007

another one done

2522 3a
completion time 5 hours

time 6.5 hours.
I m having a hell of a time trying to make sense with some of this blue print, some dont match. gahhh!!! oh well, i ll just make it look good.

2143 02, time 6 hours
me and my cheezy backgourn comp, heh, this one is done, the arch on the front entrance is questionalble, the blue print doen't quite match, the front view show that there's no roof tiles protude though it while the side views shows it. ...what the heck..

Quickest way to get fire

sweet, only an hour to go, drawing actually help me stay awake. ...simple drawing where it doesn't require much brain power.

Damn it all!!!

random stuff, too tired to explain what it is.
I just wasted 4 hours trying to model in Maya Personal learning edition (Yah i know, what the hell you doing with that?) I coudln't get the regular maya to install so I figured I could use that version and export the stuff. but it turns out that it can't export squad. well,DUHH!! thats why they call it Maya perosnal learning edtion. F..king suck. Now i have to draw....and try to stay awake. .Bastard!!!!! Try 3 D modeling and a laptop, a Powerbook G4...yah, Fun.

Must stay aweka, its is not 440 am, alalalalla, only 2 hours to go. I try to draw earlier but it was not so hot, drawing late night is not easy, my brin no worky. Note to self get plenty of sleep the previous night, last night i only got 3.5 hours of sleep. ZZZZZZZZZZ¸ its weird setting here and not doing anything and getting paid for it, I think i actually work eariler tonight, filled out a paper work, it took me a whopping 10 mins, while i spent the nest 11 hours and 50 sitting on my ass. this sounds like a prefect job, especially if you re in school. blh blah blah i draw now, want to see how my drawings turn out while im half a sleep.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

One down, a bunch more to go.

2143 01
time 6.5 hours.

I m getting faster as i go along, the next house will have two stories.

Saturday, March 24, 2007


another slow night at work, or should i say 12 hours of drawing time for me. yeahhh! i perfer to model at the moement, but can['t seem to get maya to run on this mac. my internet are limited, can't even be on yahoo img. oh well,


as I pick up speed here, I am hoping to finish modeling at least 3-4 houses a day. assuming i do not sleep :P .


Well unfortunately I only managed to finish only a little bit of her today. I love to paint but NOw that I may be facing financial issue, i will need to cut down my personal painting/art time and focous on somethign else that will get me job and bring me money or as some of you like to call it "commercial art" Its unfortunate, but the bills are catchign up to me. I will however try and paint as much as i can. but for the next couple of weeks here you won't be seeing much new drawings other then the contract work we got, i may or may not show that. I will try to squeez all the extra times i have and work on my correct drawings. I do wish to get alot better and this awesome video I d been watchig really helped.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Something to think about

I cant stand all of this pain...

its driving me to be really insaine...

hoped you wouldve seen...

all the things that you had done to me...

breakin and crushin this little heart...

bringin me to break and fall apart...

its been really hard to stand tall and strong...

when everything has gone totally all wrong...

sitting, listening to a sad love song...

my eyes been hurtin from cryin so long...

these tears fallin from my eyes ...

are from all the told and untold lies...

so lost and confused...

being blamed and accused...

wantin to run away and hide...

keepin all this pain deep down inside...

being blinded by all your smooth talks and charms...

longing to be with you in are arms...

wanting to be able to trust and believe...

youll always be with me... never to leave...

keep remindin myself of our time together...

NEVER to be taken for a FOOL from ANOTHER...

NEVER to give or let anyone in my heart to take away...

it has turned cold hearted NEVER to give in no matter what you say...

NEVER to be the same ever again...

NEVER wanting this to be

now everyone will truly see

that youre the cause of all this crazy pain...

how ive been driven to be TOTALLY FUCKEN INSAINE!!!

I got this off of my childhood friend's page on my space at NELLA I think its beautiful and we all can relate to it in some way.

Great Friends!

Great advices from one of my coolest instructor Di Casala. everyone in game art and animations still remembers me. People that i dont really know still remembers me. Everyone was asking me the same questions. "why aren't you working!!!" I told most of them that i was going though some tough time and am snapping out of it. One of the key thing I need to realized is working toward my goal and be successful at it, everything else will come. It's either over or it isn't. Show your self some self respect.

Many good things are coming alog.
-after much delay we got our first contract work today, we have 12 houses to model, we got 3-4 already done. its dirt cheap pay but it ll definately help to build up our rep.
-one of my friend offered to help me get a job at where he works, down in Tempe as a 3D modeler for some tv show. It won't be for another six weeks.
-one of my friend who is correctly attending Savanah art school aslo offered to past out my demo reel at their Huge job fair. ( there suppose to have over 100 employeer next week coming to visit the school) not sure if i ll have my stuff ready bythen.
-Josh also got another project he likes me to help with.

I wish we could at least say Hi to each other like normal people do, but i guess thats just the way it suppose to be....I'll get over it.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Me need money, lots of it.

same idea, i quickly sketch this out and we both this it. its amazing to see how individual colors perceptions are. On this excercise I used as many colors on as possible, we have very short amount of time, so it forces me to just throw it on. if it dont work then put the next color get the idea, but the previous color doen'st fully cover up with the new color so it helps to shape the drawig into its own style. really neat.
I used digital water colors for this one, I wasn't very careful or affraid to as how clean it should look, just wanted to put it on there and give it its own style. was just having fun with colors. we did this in 10 mins, check out Gary's version at Twincircle Productions
some of you probably don't think I can do this style , but ..i m full of surprisese.
while waiting for my friend to get out of the shower i did this real fast, 6 mins to be exact. we will use this as our coloring excercise tonight.

Dear Journal:
I know Money can't buy happiness and I hate to sound like a hypocrite but thats all I desire right now. obviously people that say being rich isn't everything have not experiene the joy of being rich yet. I' m tire of drawing for myself, i meant i love to draw but damit i also must eat and paybills too..and enjoy the joy of being able to buy a few material things . lets see. student loan is 400, rent 400 (thats with roomates, by my self i m sure it ll be at least 600+) , credit bill 400, food and other 300= 1500 a month, its not much..but its alot when you have shitty ass job. (working a full time job at 10 an hour couldn't pay for that) I should just get a job doing what i love, well not really, because i ll be doing it for someone else, but what ever, i ll get pay and most importantly improve on my art skills. On my freetime i can do my art as a hobbie (painting, digital painting., whatever) maybe i ll get lucky and sale it on the side but mainly it would be purely for my enjoyment. if all i do all day at work is art on the computer then coming home to do oil painting sure would be a treat. Paint on the weekends work on the week days sounds pretty good. I guess if i wanted to get hardcore abou it, i can spent every free minutes painting and doing art after work, ...let see from 9 to 5. paint from 6 to 2 am, sleetp from 2 to 8am, its very doable, assuming i give up my social life, relationships, friends, well, your life in general..Heck i'm already doing that right now anyways. I think i am going to limit my sleeping habit to about 6 hours a night. I guess what I m tryign to say is that , i don't want to draw and hope someone will like it and buy it,I have lots of time to do that on my own. I want to draw because I know someone will buy it or i know I am being paid for it. I see alot of friends that went to school to get a fine art degree in painting, they were very passionate and hyped up and it. I do greatly admired them for that, but in the end alot of them just kind of lost intrest in it.. .I guess I woudn't really be scared or surprise, if i ended up like that, but i know what i can do. NO Duh!!

"buy my paintings or die"

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Another Fun Day

Nightly exercise
This one was really fun, the drawing was all textured, not sure how he did it but its great, gets me thinking about different things i can do to my drawings. NIce job Gary.
was thinking about going back to finish this dude, so close, just the right arm and i can start texturing it.
The hair is coming along nicely, i got this paint thiner a that actually got some sort of shiney coating to it, so now the hair actually shines. it looks prett sweet actually. i had to turn it side way so the paint wont shine
My beautiful brueshes, and pretty damn expensive. oh well, well worth it, now all i have to do is take good care of it. Cheer!!!!
Things I got done today.
-Put up part of my homepage
-work on the oil painting.

should probably eat, only had ...damn, can't remember.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Yeah, My Home page is up..sort of
still under test.

painted today, bought more brushes. more work will post later.

Haven't forgot about it yet

New year resolutions.
-learn to do tatoo
-continue to apply for jobs
(X)learn oil painting
-make room for another love
(X)move out and get at least my own room
(X)going back to the gym
-save up to go to Thailand.
(X)make more friends
(X)try to live a less stressful life
-move out of Phoenix and AZ altogether
-"get over it" this feelings
(X)continue improving on my skills and everything else about me.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Must stay awake!!!!

Day two,
Transfered my drawing, My canvas this time have medium texture, i wonder how that will compare to my first one, from the looks of it, it looks like it has fine texture, if you have lots of experience with different textures quality please feel free to let me know which is better, actually i have no ideas the differences in quality, just kinda pick what looks good at a reasonable price. maybe you guys know which brand to get...etc. Thank you.
just trying to stay in practice with the pen. My first time doing a marmaid. My new job is pretty sweet, this is what i got to do the entire night. I think i spent 3 hours on this one.
only 1.25 hours to go. I d been setting around for the past 10 hours doing nothing but draw. answered 2 phone call. It feels pretty weird to ...well, do nothing at work and get paid for it. The only hardest takes is to stay awake. Trying to draw at this hours is not very fun, my brain and proceptions of shapes and forms are all blurred. It would be sweet if i could bring my oil canvas here. will post the drawing tomorrow, which is basically today..

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Painting update

i just notice that her right eyes are too wide, and the right side of her forhead needed to be blended into the hair. its great how much digital cam can help. It doesn't quite capture the mood the original concept has but it ll do.
Thats all the time i had for today. it was quite challenging, doing the hair and trying to match the colors ...i haev to wait for the hair to dry again, other wise it gets really muddy, touches up her face a bit, and started to put over lapping hairs on her body. Fixed her nose. man, it was a major pain, its so hard to make forms with out showing obvious forms oh well, I did managed to pick up lots of new tricks today. the brushes i m using are sucking it. I bought a number 1 brushe last week and all the hairs are gone, . if anyone know of a good brand they would recomment please let me know. I hate having to keep buying it every week, thanks. :)

Friday, March 16, 2007

FuN Project

thats pretty much it, then we add shapes and all that fun stuff .

As if i dont have enough things to do, this Week my friend and I decided to do something fun. our task here is to put the armour suit on her in that pose. It should be interesting to see. In colors or black and white. stay tune.

Forms study

yah, this is the best i can do in one hour. :P I am mainly interested in finding where the key hot spots are.
4o mins
20 mins
this picture have amazing forms. i love it, not very easy though.
damn, a little sluggish tonight, its amazing how much i can learn by doing this, i love it.

Note: My Web page is official dead, will redo and be back up again soon.

trying to remember Mudbox

yep, still doing it.
fun run with mudbox
The last thing i worked on for my friend's group, not sure if anyone remember it. Surprisingly it deforms fairly nicely. i didn't have to mess with anything to get it to pose .

Its been a while since I used Mudbox, 6 months to be exact, thought i give it a fun run tonight. All the tricks i knew is all but forgotten. no big deal. I am trying to bring my 2d skill up to a more exceptable level and then i will go back and textures all my models for sure. Work's ok, nothing hard. This week end i get to go paint again. and will set up my next canvas. ...blah blah blah. me going brain dead
too much pride to see where they can improve.
get all ass hurt because someone give them an honest cretiques and they don't agree with. though out years of observations i notice alot of them are way close minded...i.e " well, thats the way it suppose to be" "I meant to do it like that" "that's my style" blah blab blah. weather its true or not, shit take it, any cretique is better then none. (where there's good qualities there's always bad ones too) dont get me wrong i do it all the time too, but as i get older, i learn to appreciate it alot more. sometime, well, actually lots of times, when i work on a piece for a ver long time, i can't see many obvious mistakes and I usually show it to my friends or who ever to see what i can't see. when an "Artist" ask me to cretique their work, I'll just be like, do you perfer the truth or a lie? mybe i just keep things easier by just keeping my mouth shot.
I would be so very happy to get honest cretique from anyone, preferabely from someone way way beyond my skill level. i love for him/her to give me the good points about my work and most importantly where i can improve or if need be, tear my stuff apart.obviously there's a different between saying "this drawing sucks" and be done with it and "this drawing sucks because..blah blah blah" its ok to say it , but it ll be hard to not appear ignorence with out valet reasons as to why.
Lets face it, how the Fuck does "It looks good, I like it a lot" help me?

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Something something

Random drawing I did at work today, I haven't drawn anything on paper in a long while. Work was ok today, went in for my training. not much to do other then set there and answer the very few phone call and draw. it ll be even slower during my official sheft, just try to stay awake. I think its time for me to wake up and start apply for a real job though, dont know what's holding me up anymore. I used to have an excuse, but now i dont so ...i think i may just be mentally retarded. ...nope, thats not going to work either, oh well, just got to do it. but i want to paint...I got my parent all excited today when i sent them the image of the painting i did for illustration friday, they thought it was an actual painting. My parents has been very supportive of my interest in becoming better at painting. they will do what ever they can to try and help me market it. if i choose to go that rough. I think i ll just do it for fun though. every now and then. oh well..The hair has finally dry, I hope to get up early enough to get some painting done. This weekend I am starting on the next painting. The one with the face, it will be about 18x24", that way i can switch off between the two. ie while waiting for one to dry i can jump on the other. I think i may pick up a projector, one of those cheesy one, just so i can project my drawing on to the canvas and outline the drawing with the pencil, using transfer paper is ok, but i can't really tell if the transfer are looking good or not. This way i can easily adjust the size to fit the canvas and not having to do dozens of prints.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Future concept

This idea i will save for later when i am way better with oil colors. It will forces me to explore other techniques, such as creating water, clouds, wet surfaces etc. At my current skill level, its seem impossible but i do like a good challenge or how's that saying go? "I make the impossible possible" Cheers!!! No oil painting today, still waiting for the hair to dry. I m starting my new job Friday yeahh!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I did this real fast in Painter, a little too red, oh well, better luck next time. thanks for looking. I like to turn this into an oil painting one day.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Today's Mock up

for fun, just to keep my mind flowing with colors, not sure what it is, i wanted to do something for illustration friday. "wired " my idea was tohave the skin of a face hanged by a bunch of wireds. but didn't think it was veryclear so one idea turninto some other ideas..ohwell,
With a little planing this one should turn out ok, I like the reds in her hair, hope to get this far today. Today was a little slow, coudnt' do much because i have to wait for the hair to dry. other wise the colors get all muddy. I think i may start on a second painting just so i dont have to sit around and wait for this to dry. the next size i am going to work on will be 24x36. i have about 3 other ideas that i like to get on. but it ll take time.