Friday, March 23, 2007

Great Friends!

Great advices from one of my coolest instructor Di Casala. everyone in game art and animations still remembers me. People that i dont really know still remembers me. Everyone was asking me the same questions. "why aren't you working!!!" I told most of them that i was going though some tough time and am snapping out of it. One of the key thing I need to realized is working toward my goal and be successful at it, everything else will come. It's either over or it isn't. Show your self some self respect.

Many good things are coming alog.
-after much delay we got our first contract work today, we have 12 houses to model, we got 3-4 already done. its dirt cheap pay but it ll definately help to build up our rep.
-one of my friend offered to help me get a job at where he works, down in Tempe as a 3D modeler for some tv show. It won't be for another six weeks.
-one of my friend who is correctly attending Savanah art school aslo offered to past out my demo reel at their Huge job fair. ( there suppose to have over 100 employeer next week coming to visit the school) not sure if i ll have my stuff ready bythen.
-Josh also got another project he likes me to help with.

I wish we could at least say Hi to each other like normal people do, but i guess thats just the way it suppose to be....I'll get over it.

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