Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Future concept

This idea i will save for later when i am way better with oil colors. It will forces me to explore other techniques, such as creating water, clouds, wet surfaces etc. At my current skill level, its seem impossible but i do like a good challenge or how's that saying go? "I make the impossible possible" Cheers!!! No oil painting today, still waiting for the hair to dry. I m starting my new job Friday yeahh!


Anonymous said...

i dont think there should be one single palm tree like that.
three would be better, they would be less out of place that way.

chatree said...

good point, thank you whatever.

M. Dinardi said...

Consider putting the mermaid on the other side (mirrored), she will lead the eye into the palm and back down the cliff. Besides, the water will be challenging enough with out a figure there!
Try it in photoshop just to see.
Looking forward to hearing about your new job.

chatree said...

hey thanks, thats an awesome idea, man, wheres did all my graphic design skills go? great feed back.

Anonymous said...

Love the Water and Clouds and yes I agree with the comments above maybe 2 more tree's would work better some place on the left or right to help the viewer look around the Canvas.
