Saturday, March 10, 2007

pAINting update

just to get an idea.
today i decided to go to the park and paint for most of the afternoon, My skills with the brushes aren't so great yet, my strokes are not very confident at all, but i am learning as i go. this one you ll have to see it in person to fully appreciate it.

1 comment:

M. Dinardi said...

Hi Chatree, was reading your comments on painting, fumes, going to the park ect.
For oil painting I use Weber's "turpenoid" oderless turpentine subsitute. Everyday low price at Aaron bros is 19.99 for a gallon.
For outdoor painting I use Alkyd paints which are oils that chemically have a plastic polymer.
The neat thing about them is they are oil paint that drys in one day. Outdoors in AZ it will start drying in 4 hours.
Use liquin to thin or glaze either the alkyds or regular oil paint.
Another alternative is water soluable oils. I was skeptical too.
But when I needed to paint on my lunch hours and I got ivory black and white to do griselle (just grey-scale) paintings to glaze with color later. I really like the water soluable oils! I always use Winsor Newton brand paints/brushes ect.
I did not find any plein air painting clubs in Phoenix, I beling to here in Tucson. is the national group. Sounds like you are having fun!